May 2, 2009

The Light #3

Sun shines bright now
Always enjoy this moment
See the sky without borders
We see nothing in there
See empty clouds only
What a wonderful landscape

Let life flow without hindrance
Just enjoy simple things
Take a deep breath to feel fresh air
Without feeling regret in our mind
When we look back again,
We see the Light only
Nothing is useless now
Nothing to regret in our heart
We don’t want to justify or blame it
Those moments were perfect moments
Everything is perfect

We just try to be humble
We are nothing but dust
Like a sand in the desert
See around for awhile
Let everything flow
We see ourselves flow in there
We are within universe
But our heart is beautiful place
Heart is beautiful mirror to see universe
We don’t claim ours more real than other
Maybe someone see everything is dark
Or someone see everything is bright
But we don’t argue with them
Maybe they laugh at us
At glimpse we see their heart
There is ice in their laughter*
But we know our mistake immediately
Laughter always beauty in beautiful heart
Why we think like that to our friends?
We repentance cause our weakness
Be humble and return again
See our beautiful mirror not theirs
Everything is beauty and perfect

Don’t be upset for the words that they say
Let they say what they want to say
We be at home and safe
Praise and give prayer to them
So many people in the world
Listen their words like a echo
Every words become empty meaning
We are the light and give the light
Always give prayer for everyone
Put a smile upon our face
Be free and calm always
Let Inner Light become our guide
Always believe inside us
And we see all beauty of things
actually lies before us

Don’t worry about anything
We release our hope about the things
Nothing is more precious than our heart
It’s better we always see the morning sun
Or see the moonlight
Or see the stars in the night sky above
Our heart will bright and beauty
Look everything before us more clearer
There’s gold lies on our table
Why we search mirage
Maybe there's something that we ignore,
Actually that we need and good for us
The window always open
Let the sunlight shine into the our heart
We see the light and give the light
Light and nothing but light

They understand me not: I am not the mouth for these ears.
Too long, perhaps, have I lived in the mountains; too much have I
hearkened unto the brooks and trees: now do I speak unto them as
unto the goatherds.
Calm is my soul, and clear, like the mountains in the morning. But
they think me cold, and a mocker with terrible jests.
And now do they look at me and laugh: and while they laugh they hate
me too.* There is ice in their laughter."

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Translated by Thomas Common

Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 11:38pm

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